Welcome Kindred Spirit! I am over the moon happy you are here! I am a Holistic Life Coach and Healing Arts Practitioner.
I blend my Business Smarts with My Healing Heart, to help you make your dreams a reality.
I am connector or women, a strategic business woman, a trailblazer in business.
My work supports my primary devotion as present mother, daughter, sister, friend and wife.
Women are creating success in this moment in history on OUR OWN TERMS. Words that describe my clients are brave, courageous, soulful, savvy, they create spaciousness to dream storm, originate, and design new ways of working in the world. Turn your dreams into your Dream Business and create harmony, abundance, freedom and joy in your life.
I am fiercely devoted to helping women turn their stories around,
gain confidence, find their authentic voices and claim joy filled and fulfilling futures.
To rise together in sisterhood, because we are greater together.
As a woman you are a fierce, devoted, and so powerful.
You are also naturally a collaborative, nurturing, emotional and a wildly creative being.
Your birth rights include joy, worthiness, abundance and freedom from guilt and shame.
To be seen.
To be heard.
To be supported and celebrated.
Women supporting women is THE way we rise up into our fullest potential.
Together we become the change we wish to see in our world, and prepare the way to lead our grandchildren.
I believe intuition brings the right women together, at the right moment, for transformation to initiate and dreams to manifest.
Using the tools, techniques and methods I teach, and connecting you to a deep and rich network of like minded women, you will transform your life and business.
As a Life Coach, I teach women powerful tools and techniques that shatter limiting beliefs, heal old patterns and redefine what is possible for their future QUICKLY. I combine these powerful NLP coaching tools with 15 years of Holistic Work and Healing Arts Practices that support the mind, body & spirit. This powerful combination gets my clients in touch with their innate wisdom and quickly into alignment with their purpose, in their work, lives, and relationships. My clients make clear decisions, take ownership of their lives and businesses and take intentional action towards a crystal clear future.
Click here and join connect with me.
You don't need permission to make changes in your life, or to invest in your happiness, at any point in time. You just need to give yourself permission to invest in YOUR dreams.
Many of my clients are accomplished, working really hard, juggling jobs and kids and aging parents, they are responsible and do the right thing. And it is A LOT to hold ALL at once. I see you as a divine feminine being. I see you in your highest light. Your brightest potential. I see how your unique talents & gifts in the world can be the work you offer in service to clients and family. I know the path to feeling truly nourished and fulfilled begins with a return to self love, and the addition of sisterhood & support. Women need community, to be witnessed, heard, supported and have their brilliance reflected back to them. To know it is ok to ask for help, that none of us can (and should stop trying) to do it all alone, it is actually one of the secret keys to success! Women you see creating wealth and impacting the world with their businesses have a whole team of women cheering them on.
You deserve that too.
My heartfelt message to you at this moment is that you hear this message.
You are deserving of the life you desire.
Not someday.
You are worthy of every minute and dollar you spend investing in reaching your dreams.
Click here and say YES to You.
You have the right to change your story, to shine bright, and share your voice.
Write your story with a H.A.P.P.Y. ending.
(Holistic, Authentic, Processes & Practices To support You!)
This is where our work begins.
Click here to get started.
If your still asking what will working with a Holistic Life Coach do for me? I had the same question a few years ago, and here is a list ...
You will master powerful and effective action based NLP coaching tools that will transform limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in procrastination & overwhelm.
Learn practical and meaningful life practices that reconnect you to the wisdom of your body & spirit.
Be guided through a structured process designed to get you clear on your souls purpose, what your heart truly desires, and discover what is standing in your way, so you can move forward with intention.
I believe every woman has the right to change their life, be free from a old patterns, start over, kick bad habits, at anytime, to pursue their happiness, and I support women through this transformation. And I don't believe it has to be hard.
I combine 20 years of yoga, reiki/energy healing, expressive dance & painting, and intuitive meditation with powerful life coaching and business practices that produce tangible results.
I lived unconsciously on auto pilot/numbing out for YEARS myself, and I have sorted through the self help industry to compile the best support, tools, and practices available to get brave, make radical change, and take massive action to achieve my dreams, and I now share that wisdom as my passion.
I am a safe space holder and experienced guide through the tender process of exploring your inner world and the heart of you as a child. Heart & soul wisdom is where your truth lives.
I deeply understand holistic life practices and rituals that keep my clients present in truth, devoted to self love, and living in authenticity and fulfillment. This is the key to sustained success in life and business.
I have spent more than a decade collecting wisdom & certifications immersed in applying this learning to my life, building my business, and studying what brave, wild, feminine leaders who have success and happiness, on their own terms have done before me. I am passionate about creating Leadership Communities and Connecting women to each other.
I hold my clients accountable for devoting themselves to fierce self love.
Sisterhood. Suffering or struggling in silence or alone is not how women are meant to live, and my life purpose is to provide support, guidance, accountability, and share the wisdom I have so gratefully learned. My message to every woman on a healing journey doing their Souls Work personally has medicine and a gift to offer in service to the world.
Learn how to honor your own wisdom. Take decisive action from a place of deep peace and full being confidence. As your guide, I know with the right support, the journey can be nourishing, healing and transformation can happen quickly. My services are the change I wish to see in the world. Providing you resources, wisdom and a community of helping hands to support on your journey to your achieving your fullest potential.
Ready? Click here to get started.
I am a change maker and a dream weaver.
I am fiercely devoted to my work, it is my soul path.
I am fiercely devoted to my family.
I believe in miracles and magic.
I am a Holistic Personal Development Coach.
I am an energy worker and Feminine Business leader.
I believe you are a powerful being. You are worthy of love, support, ease, and joy.
I believe in you and your unique work in the world.
I believe you are a warrior and a goddess rising.
I see you already in your highest light and know what is possible for you.
I know struggling alone isn't the answer, and investing in yourself and your future is.
I know every dollar I spent investing in my well being was the best money I ever spent.
I know happiness is worth it all. I traded a 6 figure career, MBA a custom built home, and the wrong relationship, for a chance at soul happiness. I took a chance on ME, and learned that I am my most valuable asset. little old me. just as I am. and you are too.
I remember not realizing that I was even worth happiness at one point and that my dream of being a powerful business woman doing healing work in the world wasn't realistic. It was a pipe dream, for women more capable or more well resourced than me.
It seems impossible now.
You are worthy of happiness, wealth, and healing, and whatever it takes to get you to believe that, reach for it, and achieve it, I am willing to do. I will open my whole tool box to you, including a network of powerful women devoted to us all rising together.
Join my community NOW and get to know us.
We are a great fit if YOU ARE READY to claim freedom, joy and success in your life.
You want soul sisters who are the entrepreneurs of their dreams
Your tired of trying to figure out how to make your business a success and want a tribe to learn from, and collaborate with.
I provide an unshakeable belief in your future, I see you in your highest potential, and have a proven road map to get you there. It got me there. And have seen it work time and again. My desire in this moment is to create communities where we all rise together.
Things I know FOR SURE ARE:
Your birthright is joy, freedom, happiness, and fulfillment.
You have a choice.
The cost of doing nothing isTOO f'ing high.
You ARE WORTH investing TIME in. It needs to be number 1 on the list.
You deserve to have your needs be seen, heard, and met.
You deserve joy.
You carry sacred wisdom, medicine and gifts that women in our community need.
Your voice is a gift.
One woman healing herself, heals all women.
You have one precious life.
Working with me is most importantly a commitment to yourself. I am going to say that again, it is a commitment to yourself. To YOUR future, to YOUR happiness, to YOUR success. Your not just a client to me, but a Kindred Spirit designing your and our collective future as women like only we can. My soul absolutely shines when I see your happiness and success! And I seek to work with women who desire a shift out of competitiveness with each other and into compassion, nourishment and collaboration as a way of leading and working in the world.
While it fills my soul and heart with joy to help my clients achieve their dreams and to rise together in community, this is really about you. You don't need anyones permission to explore what is possible for you, or to make changes in your life. You have permission and ownership to decide what it is you desire, and the right to claim it, and create it. Now.
Sign up for a Discovery Session, and let's get started.
It will change your life.
Want to know more about my journey? Check out my story here........
If I only knew then what I know now!
My heart & body never lie.
I now trust them implicitly.
And so my dear, should you.
Twelve years after my personal development transformation began and here I am. I am content. The fear of regretting living my life out of alignment is no longer a worry, because I live from a place that honors my hearts desires, my body & souls needs, and is designed to pursue my dreams. The life I have built for myself I never would have imagined would be possible for me. I finally and gratefully said YES to my happiness. It meant learning how to say no, getting brave, and taking 100% accountability for my decisions, my happiness and my life choices. I am so, so grateful I did. It is a process that anyone can learn, and it works. YOU are the one holding the paint brush on your canvas of life. When I work with clients, my goal is to share with you the tools and techniques I used to guide you to finding your own road map. To develop your skills of: listening to your intuitive wisdom, clearly articulating what you want, and empowering you to make life affirming and meaningful choices that will change the course of your life. My role is to share with you these tools and so much support, to celebrate with you and hold you accountable to achieve your goals in as short a time as is possible.
How will you choose for your story to continue? If this resonates with you, I am here for you and cheering you on. Let's get started!
A Few More Things I Know For Sure:
1) Your intuition will always lead you in the right direction.
2) Your relationship with your self is the longest, and most important relationship you will EVER have.
3) You have permission to change, grow, make new choices, and prioritize your well being. Any time. You don't have to remain the same.
4) You are ALREADY enough. You were born enough. Your needs and wants matter. You are worthy of peace.
5) Women need support. Without it we feel scared, alone, unsure and overwhelmed.
6) We can't avoid difficulties in life, but we can chose how we handle them so they sustain and nourish us through the hard times.
7) We can't change things that happened to us in the past, but we do control how much power we let them have in our futures.
8) My passion and purpose in life is to help women like you (like I was) to take control of their destiny and shine bright in the world.
Let's get to know each other, and discover how coaching with me will illuminate your blocks and provide you with the support, tools and guidance, to get your life back on the right track.
We don't have the power to change our past, but we do have the power to create the life we choose to live. Your future is yours.
Welcome Kindred Spirit! I am over the moon happy you are here! I am a Holistic Life Coach and Healing Arts Practitioner.
I blend my Business Smarts with My Healing Heart, to help you make your dreams a reality.
I am connector or women, a strategic business woman, a trailblazer in business.
My work supports my primary devotion as present mother, daughter, sister, friend and wife.
Women are creating success in this moment in history on OUR OWN TERMS. Words that describe my clients are brave, courageous, soulful, savvy, they create spaciousness to dream storm, originate, and design new ways of working in the world. Turn your dreams into your Dream Business and create harmony, abundance, freedom and joy in your life.
I am fiercely devoted to helping women turn their stories around,
gain confidence, find their authentic voices and claim joy filled and fulfilling futures.
To rise together in sisterhood, because we are greater together.
As a woman you are a fierce, devoted, and so powerful.
You are also naturally a collaborative, nurturing, emotional and a wildly creative being.
Your birth rights include joy, worthiness, abundance and freedom from guilt and shame.
To be seen.
To be heard.
To be supported and celebrated.
Women supporting women is THE way we rise up into our fullest potential.
Together we become the change we wish to see in our world, and prepare the way to lead our grandchildren.
I believe intuition brings the right women together, at the right moment, for transformation to initiate and dreams to manifest.
Using the tools, techniques and methods I teach, and connecting you to a deep and rich network of like minded women, you will transform your life and business.
As a Life Coach, I teach women powerful tools and techniques that shatter limiting beliefs, heal old patterns and redefine what is possible for their future QUICKLY. I combine these powerful NLP coaching tools with 15 years of Holistic Work and Healing Arts Practices that support the mind, body & spirit. This powerful combination gets my clients in touch with their innate wisdom and quickly into alignment with their purpose, in their work, lives, and relationships. My clients make clear decisions, take ownership of their lives and businesses and take intentional action towards a crystal clear future.
Click here and join connect with me.
You don't need permission to make changes in your life, or to invest in your happiness, at any point in time. You just need to give yourself permission to invest in YOUR dreams.
Many of my clients are accomplished, working really hard, juggling jobs and kids and aging parents, they are responsible and do the right thing. And it is A LOT to hold ALL at once. I see you as a divine feminine being. I see you in your highest light. Your brightest potential. I see how your unique talents & gifts in the world can be the work you offer in service to clients and family. I know the path to feeling truly nourished and fulfilled begins with a return to self love, and the addition of sisterhood & support. Women need community, to be witnessed, heard, supported and have their brilliance reflected back to them. To know it is ok to ask for help, that none of us can (and should stop trying) to do it all alone, it is actually one of the secret keys to success! Women you see creating wealth and impacting the world with their businesses have a whole team of women cheering them on.
You deserve that too.
My heartfelt message to you at this moment is that you hear this message.
You are deserving of the life you desire.
Not someday.
You are worthy of every minute and dollar you spend investing in reaching your dreams.
Click here and say YES to You.
You have the right to change your story, to shine bright, and share your voice.
Write your story with a H.A.P.P.Y. ending.
(Holistic, Authentic, Processes & Practices To support You!)
This is where our work begins.
Click here to get started.
If your still asking what will working with a Holistic Life Coach do for me? I had the same question a few years ago, and here is a list ...
You will master powerful and effective action based NLP coaching tools that will transform limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in procrastination & overwhelm.
Learn practical and meaningful life practices that reconnect you to the wisdom of your body & spirit.
Be guided through a structured process designed to get you clear on your souls purpose, what your heart truly desires, and discover what is standing in your way, so you can move forward with intention.
I believe every woman has the right to change their life, be free from a old patterns, start over, kick bad habits, at anytime, to pursue their happiness, and I support women through this transformation. And I don't believe it has to be hard.
I combine 20 years of yoga, reiki/energy healing, expressive dance & painting, and intuitive meditation with powerful life coaching and business practices that produce tangible results.
I lived unconsciously on auto pilot/numbing out for YEARS myself, and I have sorted through the self help industry to compile the best support, tools, and practices available to get brave, make radical change, and take massive action to achieve my dreams, and I now share that wisdom as my passion.
I am a safe space holder and experienced guide through the tender process of exploring your inner world and the heart of you as a child. Heart & soul wisdom is where your truth lives.
I deeply understand holistic life practices and rituals that keep my clients present in truth, devoted to self love, and living in authenticity and fulfillment. This is the key to sustained success in life and business.
I have spent more than a decade collecting wisdom & certifications immersed in applying this learning to my life, building my business, and studying what brave, wild, feminine leaders who have success and happiness, on their own terms have done before me. I am passionate about creating Leadership Communities and Connecting women to each other.
I hold my clients accountable for devoting themselves to fierce self love.
Sisterhood. Suffering or struggling in silence or alone is not how women are meant to live, and my life purpose is to provide support, guidance, accountability, and share the wisdom I have so gratefully learned. My message to every woman on a healing journey doing their Souls Work personally has medicine and a gift to offer in service to the world.
Learn how to honor your own wisdom. Take decisive action from a place of deep peace and full being confidence. As your guide, I know with the right support, the journey can be nourishing, healing and transformation can happen quickly. My services are the change I wish to see in the world. Providing you resources, wisdom and a community of helping hands to support on your journey to your achieving your fullest potential.
Ready? Click here to get started.
I am a change maker and a dream weaver.
I am fiercely devoted to my work, it is my soul path.
I am fiercely devoted to my family.
I believe in miracles and magic.
I am a Holistic Personal Development Coach.
I am an energy worker and Feminine Business leader.
I believe you are a powerful being. You are worthy of love, support, ease, and joy.
I believe in you and your unique work in the world.
I believe you are a warrior and a goddess rising.
I see you already in your highest light and know what is possible for you.
I know struggling alone isn't the answer, and investing in yourself and your future is.
I know every dollar I spent investing in my well being was the best money I ever spent.
I know happiness is worth it all. I traded a 6 figure career, MBA a custom built home, and the wrong relationship, for a chance at soul happiness. I took a chance on ME, and learned that I am my most valuable asset. little old me. just as I am. and you are too.
I remember not realizing that I was even worth happiness at one point and that my dream of being a powerful business woman doing healing work in the world wasn't realistic. It was a pipe dream, for women more capable or more well resourced than me.
It seems impossible now.
You are worthy of happiness, wealth, and healing, and whatever it takes to get you to believe that, reach for it, and achieve it, I am willing to do. I will open my whole tool box to you, including a network of powerful women devoted to us all rising together.
Join my community NOW and get to know us.
We are a great fit if YOU ARE READY to claim freedom, joy and success in your life.
You want soul sisters who are the entrepreneurs of their dreams
Your tired of trying to figure out how to make your business a success and want a tribe to learn from, and collaborate with.
I provide an unshakeable belief in your future, I see you in your highest potential, and have a proven road map to get you there. It got me there. And have seen it work time and again. My desire in this moment is to create communities where we all rise together.
Things I know FOR SURE ARE:
Your birthright is joy, freedom, happiness, and fulfillment.
You have a choice.
The cost of doing nothing isTOO f'ing high.
You ARE WORTH investing TIME in. It needs to be number 1 on the list.
You deserve to have your needs be seen, heard, and met.
You deserve joy.
You carry sacred wisdom, medicine and gifts that women in our community need.
Your voice is a gift.
One woman healing herself, heals all women.
You have one precious life.
Working with me is most importantly a commitment to yourself. I am going to say that again, it is a commitment to yourself. To YOUR future, to YOUR happiness, to YOUR success. Your not just a client to me, but a Kindred Spirit designing your and our collective future as women like only we can. My soul absolutely shines when I see your happiness and success! And I seek to work with women who desire a shift out of competitiveness with each other and into compassion, nourishment and collaboration as a way of leading and working in the world.
While it fills my soul and heart with joy to help my clients achieve their dreams and to rise together in community, this is really about you. You don't need anyones permission to explore what is possible for you, or to make changes in your life. You have permission and ownership to decide what it is you desire, and the right to claim it, and create it. Now.
Sign up for a Discovery Session, and let's get started.
It will change your life.
Want to know more about my journey? Check out my story here........
If I only knew then what I know now!
My heart & body never lie.
I now trust them implicitly.
And so my dear, should you.
Twelve years after my personal development transformation began and here I am. I am content. The fear of regretting living my life out of alignment is no longer a worry, because I live from a place that honors my hearts desires, my body & souls needs, and is designed to pursue my dreams. The life I have built for myself I never would have imagined would be possible for me. I finally and gratefully said YES to my happiness. It meant learning how to say no, getting brave, and taking 100% accountability for my decisions, my happiness and my life choices. I am so, so grateful I did. It is a process that anyone can learn, and it works. YOU are the one holding the paint brush on your canvas of life. When I work with clients, my goal is to share with you the tools and techniques I used to guide you to finding your own road map. To develop your skills of: listening to your intuitive wisdom, clearly articulating what you want, and empowering you to make life affirming and meaningful choices that will change the course of your life. My role is to share with you these tools and so much support, to celebrate with you and hold you accountable to achieve your goals in as short a time as is possible.
How will you choose for your story to continue? If this resonates with you, I am here for you and cheering you on. Let's get started!
A Few More Things I Know For Sure:
1) Your intuition will always lead you in the right direction.
2) Your relationship with your self is the longest, and most important relationship you will EVER have.
3) You have permission to change, grow, make new choices, and prioritize your well being. Any time. You don't have to remain the same.
4) You are ALREADY enough. You were born enough. Your needs and wants matter. You are worthy of peace.
5) Women need support. Without it we feel scared, alone, unsure and overwhelmed.
6) We can't avoid difficulties in life, but we can chose how we handle them so they sustain and nourish us through the hard times.
7) We can't change things that happened to us in the past, but we do control how much power we let them have in our futures.
8) My passion and purpose in life is to help women like you (like I was) to take control of their destiny and shine bright in the world.
Let's get to know each other, and discover how coaching with me will illuminate your blocks and provide you with the support, tools and guidance, to get your life back on the right track.
We don't have the power to change our past, but we do have the power to create the life we choose to live. Your future is yours.