My work is the result of my personal journey overcoming difficult times, finding my authentic and intuitive voice, getting brave, learning to play big and taking radical responsibility for my life and my happiness. And turning all this personal healing, into my life's work, and an abundant business model. I blend my Business Smarts with My Healing Heart to support other change makers, feminine business leaders, healers, lightworkers and practitioners to bring their work into the world with fierce devotion, clarity, and confidence. When I realized how powerfully connected the mind, body and spirit were, and incorporated practices that align all three, clarity, confidence, and success manifested with ease. Since that time 12 years ago, I left my secure job as a Corporate Executive, became a Yoga Teacher, Reiki Practitioner, Life Coach and Intuitive Feminine Business Leader. I find joy and deep satisfaction in this work. It lights me up to see other women stepping into their full potential and purpose. The practices I teach are powerful, and transformative for the mind, body and spirit, (and your biz!).
My desire and life's work is to share these practices with you and support you in achieving your dreams.
I have a deep and wide tool box filled with simple techniques, tools and practices that powerfully transform your life. I believe joy and empowerment is a birthright. I achieved deep peace and clarity by learning to hear and honor the wisdom of my inner (intuitive) guidance. These tools can transform your life too. I have witnessed this process time and again with the women I work with.
If you feel called to work with me, Welcome! I am right here walking with you.... CLICK HERE FOR A DISCOVERY CALL.
That is my journey in a nutshell! But, if you want the LONG version, keep reading :)
I will be honest, the path I took was not the easiest or shortest path, for sure. But it was worth every step, even the really hard ones. Especially the really hard ones. Every step I took helped me create this life, where I am living with intention, in alignment, deep peace and doing work that makes a real difference. I am guided in every moment and in every action by my life's goals, values and divine purpose. I didn't always live this way, and I have no regrets, (ok, the 80's hair and spandex phase was regrettable). But that is it. Truly. And thankfully FaceBook wasn't around then!!! PHEW! Everything else was a lesson my soul needed to learn, some very painful and hard lessons, but they each served a unique purpose and put me on the path to serve others.
Corporate world did not feed my soul. I did develop my confidence and knowledge in my power as a business leader. I spent 12 years growing and leading highly effective consulting organizations for a large Investment Corporation.
I became a certified Project Manager (PMBOK), earned my MBA and obtained my Series 6 license to be a licensed investment broker. None of that lights me up. None of it brought me joy.
My career brought me financial security, in a respectable and promising career, and it wasn't for me. I now see living in such a distorted masculine energy put me out of balance. At the time it just felt like a lot of stress, pressure, and no fun at all. Then my personal life. Well, that too was suffering. At 32 years old my fiancé and I realized deep in our hearts we wanted different things, I wanted children, he did not. I found myself alone and rapidly climbing a corporate ladder that was leading to a place I didn't want to be. Breaking glass ceilings loomed ahead, which seemed on one hand exhilarating and meaningful, and I still pursue that, but the work itself and my environment was life draining and exhausting. One day I woke up, and left it all behind. I couldn't do it anymore. I was dying on the inside and I couldn't take one more step in the wrong direction. So I turned around and walked the other way, to discover what was in the other direction. It was terrifying and liberating. I had gotten clear on what I did want in my life and what I didn't. And started taking radical responsibility and MASSIVE ACTION to make it happen. I woke up that morning knowing that every moment of my existing life, was robbing me of precious moments of the life I wanted to live, and CHANGED. I began learning to say no to others and yes to me. I followed my joy and found other brilliant business models based on the tenants of Feminine Leadership, of Ease and Joy, Personal Accountability, Collaboration and Support, I leaned in to the law of Abundance and healed my money story. I am worthy of a powerful career, that provides financial abundance, that feeds my soul and is supported by a sisterhood of like minded women. THIS was how I wanted to break glass ceilings. AND it healed my soul in the process, and allows me to shine my healing gifts into the world. This ladies is possible for all of us. This is how we rise in greatness together.
I am now married to the father of my two beautiful, soul-full children. My husband inspires me and supports me growing and changing. I am lucky. We have ups and downs, we aren't perfect. But we are a team. We are growing together. I didn't get here alone, I relied on his full support and encouragement. His masculine brilliance of holding space for me while I figured it all out. He was my mirror and reflected back to me my gifts. He was the first one to believe in me, and it gave me the courage to start believing in me too. He holds a vision of success for me, and it is powerful motivation. I learned to listen to my innate wisdom, studied myself, learned more, got certified in everything that helped me heal and grow. I leaned into what felt nourishing and away from things that hurt. Then I studied and learned some more. I asked my life long friends and soul sisters I met along the way for encouragement, support, and to tell me what I couldn't see clearly about myself. During the hardest times in my life, I leaned in to the support of women around me, because I HAD to. I needed them to lift me up. Now I lean in to the support of beautiful souls on the same journey who also lean in to me, to clarify, to affirm, to witness, to succeed, collaborate and dream. To make an impact, to get brave, to change the lives of those who want to walk this path with us. They hold a space for me, and reflect back to me my potential and what they knew to be true about me. That I would be ok. That I would heal. They could see my highest potential when I could not. They helped me to see it too, and then we held hands and went after it. In these times, I learned the power of truly receiving, and it saved me, nourished me, allowed me to rebuild my strength and ultimatley set me free. I have always known the power of giving and supporting others, but the power of receiving was life changing, it is profound and equally powerful. I now lean into those relationships knowing they joyfully offer their unconditional love and innate desire to support and give. By giving AND receiving support we truly honor the full experience of friendship and reach our potential.
Notes of gratitude....
To my husband who allows me the space, freedom and encouragement to grow and change and for always believing in me, I am so grateful for you.
To the women who guided me, cheered me on, reflected my truth back to me, and who picked me up when I couldn't, when my heart was too broken, or the way was to unclear. Thank you for helping me see the way forward, to find the right next step, and celebrating every success with me along my journey, you know who you are special ones, and I am eternally grateful.
To my mom & dad. My first and longest best friends, my biggest supporters, sounding boards, and role models of the raw power of pure unconditional love. I know all three of us are your favorites :)
To my siblings. My brother, for showing me how to be brave, and authentic, and hold my head high even when no one understands my choices. And my in real life sister who taught me that dandelions are the best flowers, not because they are the prettiest but because they are resilient, strong and can grow literally anywhere in any conditions, they choose to shine. As I have started over and over again in places where I didn't know a soul, this idea gave me the strength I needed to find and grow my roots, and reach for the light.
To all of you in my tribe, thank you for walking with me, growing together along side me, and allowing me to shine my light by reflecting your own back at me. I am honored to be here walking and growing with each of you. Want to chat? I want to know more about you, tell me here :)
Hugs Always, El
#metoo, #feminineleadership, #safeinmybody, #voicefinder, #beautyseeker, #innatelyhealed, #recoverygoddess, #sisterhood, #selflove, #soberlife, #togetherwerise, #timeisup, #practionersnetwork, #healersmastermind, #embodiedbusiness
My desire and life's work is to share these practices with you and support you in achieving your dreams.
I have a deep and wide tool box filled with simple techniques, tools and practices that powerfully transform your life. I believe joy and empowerment is a birthright. I achieved deep peace and clarity by learning to hear and honor the wisdom of my inner (intuitive) guidance. These tools can transform your life too. I have witnessed this process time and again with the women I work with.
If you feel called to work with me, Welcome! I am right here walking with you.... CLICK HERE FOR A DISCOVERY CALL.
That is my journey in a nutshell! But, if you want the LONG version, keep reading :)
I will be honest, the path I took was not the easiest or shortest path, for sure. But it was worth every step, even the really hard ones. Especially the really hard ones. Every step I took helped me create this life, where I am living with intention, in alignment, deep peace and doing work that makes a real difference. I am guided in every moment and in every action by my life's goals, values and divine purpose. I didn't always live this way, and I have no regrets, (ok, the 80's hair and spandex phase was regrettable). But that is it. Truly. And thankfully FaceBook wasn't around then!!! PHEW! Everything else was a lesson my soul needed to learn, some very painful and hard lessons, but they each served a unique purpose and put me on the path to serve others.
Corporate world did not feed my soul. I did develop my confidence and knowledge in my power as a business leader. I spent 12 years growing and leading highly effective consulting organizations for a large Investment Corporation.
I became a certified Project Manager (PMBOK), earned my MBA and obtained my Series 6 license to be a licensed investment broker. None of that lights me up. None of it brought me joy.
My career brought me financial security, in a respectable and promising career, and it wasn't for me. I now see living in such a distorted masculine energy put me out of balance. At the time it just felt like a lot of stress, pressure, and no fun at all. Then my personal life. Well, that too was suffering. At 32 years old my fiancé and I realized deep in our hearts we wanted different things, I wanted children, he did not. I found myself alone and rapidly climbing a corporate ladder that was leading to a place I didn't want to be. Breaking glass ceilings loomed ahead, which seemed on one hand exhilarating and meaningful, and I still pursue that, but the work itself and my environment was life draining and exhausting. One day I woke up, and left it all behind. I couldn't do it anymore. I was dying on the inside and I couldn't take one more step in the wrong direction. So I turned around and walked the other way, to discover what was in the other direction. It was terrifying and liberating. I had gotten clear on what I did want in my life and what I didn't. And started taking radical responsibility and MASSIVE ACTION to make it happen. I woke up that morning knowing that every moment of my existing life, was robbing me of precious moments of the life I wanted to live, and CHANGED. I began learning to say no to others and yes to me. I followed my joy and found other brilliant business models based on the tenants of Feminine Leadership, of Ease and Joy, Personal Accountability, Collaboration and Support, I leaned in to the law of Abundance and healed my money story. I am worthy of a powerful career, that provides financial abundance, that feeds my soul and is supported by a sisterhood of like minded women. THIS was how I wanted to break glass ceilings. AND it healed my soul in the process, and allows me to shine my healing gifts into the world. This ladies is possible for all of us. This is how we rise in greatness together.
I am now married to the father of my two beautiful, soul-full children. My husband inspires me and supports me growing and changing. I am lucky. We have ups and downs, we aren't perfect. But we are a team. We are growing together. I didn't get here alone, I relied on his full support and encouragement. His masculine brilliance of holding space for me while I figured it all out. He was my mirror and reflected back to me my gifts. He was the first one to believe in me, and it gave me the courage to start believing in me too. He holds a vision of success for me, and it is powerful motivation. I learned to listen to my innate wisdom, studied myself, learned more, got certified in everything that helped me heal and grow. I leaned into what felt nourishing and away from things that hurt. Then I studied and learned some more. I asked my life long friends and soul sisters I met along the way for encouragement, support, and to tell me what I couldn't see clearly about myself. During the hardest times in my life, I leaned in to the support of women around me, because I HAD to. I needed them to lift me up. Now I lean in to the support of beautiful souls on the same journey who also lean in to me, to clarify, to affirm, to witness, to succeed, collaborate and dream. To make an impact, to get brave, to change the lives of those who want to walk this path with us. They hold a space for me, and reflect back to me my potential and what they knew to be true about me. That I would be ok. That I would heal. They could see my highest potential when I could not. They helped me to see it too, and then we held hands and went after it. In these times, I learned the power of truly receiving, and it saved me, nourished me, allowed me to rebuild my strength and ultimatley set me free. I have always known the power of giving and supporting others, but the power of receiving was life changing, it is profound and equally powerful. I now lean into those relationships knowing they joyfully offer their unconditional love and innate desire to support and give. By giving AND receiving support we truly honor the full experience of friendship and reach our potential.
Notes of gratitude....
To my husband who allows me the space, freedom and encouragement to grow and change and for always believing in me, I am so grateful for you.
To the women who guided me, cheered me on, reflected my truth back to me, and who picked me up when I couldn't, when my heart was too broken, or the way was to unclear. Thank you for helping me see the way forward, to find the right next step, and celebrating every success with me along my journey, you know who you are special ones, and I am eternally grateful.
To my mom & dad. My first and longest best friends, my biggest supporters, sounding boards, and role models of the raw power of pure unconditional love. I know all three of us are your favorites :)
To my siblings. My brother, for showing me how to be brave, and authentic, and hold my head high even when no one understands my choices. And my in real life sister who taught me that dandelions are the best flowers, not because they are the prettiest but because they are resilient, strong and can grow literally anywhere in any conditions, they choose to shine. As I have started over and over again in places where I didn't know a soul, this idea gave me the strength I needed to find and grow my roots, and reach for the light.
To all of you in my tribe, thank you for walking with me, growing together along side me, and allowing me to shine my light by reflecting your own back at me. I am honored to be here walking and growing with each of you. Want to chat? I want to know more about you, tell me here :)
Hugs Always, El
#metoo, #feminineleadership, #safeinmybody, #voicefinder, #beautyseeker, #innatelyhealed, #recoverygoddess, #sisterhood, #selflove, #soberlife, #togetherwerise, #timeisup, #practionersnetwork, #healersmastermind, #embodiedbusiness