Together We Rise
Join the 2019
Sacred Sisterhood & Strategic Leadership Mastermind here.
When you surround yourself by the brilliance, drive, and devotion of like minded women, you also rise into our fullest potential, faster and farther than you would alone. The #1 rule for success I learned form my 12 years in corporate leadership, surround yourself with talent. This is as true in the Board Rooms on Wallstreet as it is in the yoga studio, as a creative, healing practitioner, writer, life coach, or store owner.....
Established Entrepreneurs and driven leaders starting
Time to share your work in depth, workshop your business plans and learn strategic planning. Envision yourself as one of the gifted teachers, guides, healers, or wise women, sharing your unique wisdom, being seen as a leader, and expert and a guide. Feel supported, nourished and celebrated as you rise into your full potential, and offer that in return. When one succeeds, we all succeed, and we lift each other up. One designed and originated by Soulful and Savvy Business women, who are devoted to personal development, and becoming the change we wish to see. Where Business Smarts and Healing Hearts meet to courageously innovate and shift old paradigms that feel outdated at this moment in time. Where we form deep friendships and life long strategic partners and build the community we desire to have together. One where we LEAD together. Because it is how we as fierce, fearless women work best, in true sisterhood.
You will lean in for wisdom, encouragement, and strategic business tools, and pour in your own wisdom, to be witnessed, receive feedback on your gifts, clarify your offerings and gain confidence as a leader.
All this wrapped up in the magic of ritual, holistic healing and loving life coaching to hold you through the moments of growth, healing, overwhelm and celebrations.
This is an invitation to collaborate, to gather with women with the same vision. To step into our fullest potential, with nourishing and brilliant women routing us on, so we can change the world. What we heal for one, heals the collective, and we are greater together. I desire to Co Create. Co-Lead and Pioneer a world the way I wish to see it. One where we honor the guru in each of us, collaborate instead of competing, and shine our lights on each other, so we can see ourselves clearly and all shine more brightly into the world.
As kindred spirits (trying to change the world single handedly) we really need a gathering place. To grow, learn, design, and dream storm the future for ourselves, our own businesses and to create a guide for the next generation of women.
Heart lead women on mission, becoming the change we wish to see in the world connecting, collaborating, and creating new ways of leading. Together we are greater.
Together We Rise and you will:
Amplify your voice.
Ascend to your fullest potential.
Burn down old patterns and beliefs.
Clarify your uniqueness & offerings.
Heal your abundance & worthiness stories (for real).
Fully claim your gifts with confidence and dreamstorm what is really possible.
Transition from Teaching/Coaching/Learning to LEADING.
Be SEEN, HEARD, and SUPPORTED by Kindred Spirits and Business Peers.
Access the wisdom amassed by successful women walking beside you, and pour your wisdom into this community to be witnessed and take your place as a guide & leader.
Test your ideas, receive support and reassurance, and gather testimonials and feedback.
My invitation is to create a learning and healing oasis, to gather together, to harness, encourage and celebrate the amazing work we all do individually and RISE together.
We need each other on this courageous path.
Fully embody your leadership gifts and nurture your brave and loving heart in Sacred Sisterhood.
We are in innovative times as women entrepreneurs.
Seeking initiators, pioneers and ambitious women who feel the call to blaze the way forward in this moment in history. To embody our full potential, shine bright, the light workers, coaches, healers, and entrepreneurs fiercely devoted to Life Purpose, Healing our Generations work, and redefining Leadership based on our natural gifts as women.
For women, running heart lead businesses who feel the calling in this moment to shift the paradigm of Women in Leadership.
Soulful Sacred Sisterhood Collaborative
"Dream Big and you will be presented with the opportunity to lead the world on an incredible adventure" - Richard Branson -
Shine. Support. Structure. Success.
You are worthy of success, abundance & financial freedom.
Your soul has guided you to share your work
with the world, to be in service, sharing your wisdom, passions and gifts, you are becoming the change you wish to see in the world.
It takes courage, devotion to personal healing, and an unstoppable drive to make a difference.
The doors to the Sacred Sisterhood Collaborative for Feminine Leaders is now open. Experience an intensive 9 month powerful, collaborative with your peers. Step with confidence into Leadership, combining Strategic Business Planning, Holistic Healing Practices and the principles of Divine Feminine Leadership, to launch your work into the world. Intensive begins September 2019 - and completes April 2020.
Additional retreat experience in summer of 2020 to celebrate stepping over this threshold into Leadership in sisterhood. Co lead the retreat, and experience spaciousness to dream storm & co create what is possible from a place of fully empowered leadership.
Click here to apply, space is limited for an intimate experience and this will sell out.
Secure your spot and pay in full by June 30th and you will receive the gift of a customized Reiki Distance Healing Session to support your healing & stepping fully into leadership.
I already see you in your fullest potential! And am so excited to grow together.
Women who complete the Intensive will be eligible to Co-Lead a Retreat Experience designed to showcase your unique work and step fully into Leadership. Complete an Embodied Leadership Ritual to light your Leadership torch, celebrate and integrate your experience & journey deeply. The experience will be captured by Dani McDonald (Founder of Soulography & Real Beauty Uncovered) and will include 25 personalized Branding Photos to promote your uplevelled offerings.
Join the 2019
Sacred Sisterhood & Strategic Leadership Mastermind here.
When you surround yourself by the brilliance, drive, and devotion of like minded women, you also rise into our fullest potential, faster and farther than you would alone. The #1 rule for success I learned form my 12 years in corporate leadership, surround yourself with talent. This is as true in the Board Rooms on Wallstreet as it is in the yoga studio, as a creative, healing practitioner, writer, life coach, or store owner.....
Established Entrepreneurs and driven leaders starting
Time to share your work in depth, workshop your business plans and learn strategic planning. Envision yourself as one of the gifted teachers, guides, healers, or wise women, sharing your unique wisdom, being seen as a leader, and expert and a guide. Feel supported, nourished and celebrated as you rise into your full potential, and offer that in return. When one succeeds, we all succeed, and we lift each other up. One designed and originated by Soulful and Savvy Business women, who are devoted to personal development, and becoming the change we wish to see. Where Business Smarts and Healing Hearts meet to courageously innovate and shift old paradigms that feel outdated at this moment in time. Where we form deep friendships and life long strategic partners and build the community we desire to have together. One where we LEAD together. Because it is how we as fierce, fearless women work best, in true sisterhood.
You will lean in for wisdom, encouragement, and strategic business tools, and pour in your own wisdom, to be witnessed, receive feedback on your gifts, clarify your offerings and gain confidence as a leader.
All this wrapped up in the magic of ritual, holistic healing and loving life coaching to hold you through the moments of growth, healing, overwhelm and celebrations.
This is an invitation to collaborate, to gather with women with the same vision. To step into our fullest potential, with nourishing and brilliant women routing us on, so we can change the world. What we heal for one, heals the collective, and we are greater together. I desire to Co Create. Co-Lead and Pioneer a world the way I wish to see it. One where we honor the guru in each of us, collaborate instead of competing, and shine our lights on each other, so we can see ourselves clearly and all shine more brightly into the world.
As kindred spirits (trying to change the world single handedly) we really need a gathering place. To grow, learn, design, and dream storm the future for ourselves, our own businesses and to create a guide for the next generation of women.
Heart lead women on mission, becoming the change we wish to see in the world connecting, collaborating, and creating new ways of leading. Together we are greater.
Together We Rise and you will:
Amplify your voice.
Ascend to your fullest potential.
Burn down old patterns and beliefs.
Clarify your uniqueness & offerings.
Heal your abundance & worthiness stories (for real).
Fully claim your gifts with confidence and dreamstorm what is really possible.
Transition from Teaching/Coaching/Learning to LEADING.
Be SEEN, HEARD, and SUPPORTED by Kindred Spirits and Business Peers.
Access the wisdom amassed by successful women walking beside you, and pour your wisdom into this community to be witnessed and take your place as a guide & leader.
Test your ideas, receive support and reassurance, and gather testimonials and feedback.
My invitation is to create a learning and healing oasis, to gather together, to harness, encourage and celebrate the amazing work we all do individually and RISE together.
We need each other on this courageous path.
Fully embody your leadership gifts and nurture your brave and loving heart in Sacred Sisterhood.
We are in innovative times as women entrepreneurs.
Seeking initiators, pioneers and ambitious women who feel the call to blaze the way forward in this moment in history. To embody our full potential, shine bright, the light workers, coaches, healers, and entrepreneurs fiercely devoted to Life Purpose, Healing our Generations work, and redefining Leadership based on our natural gifts as women.
For women, running heart lead businesses who feel the calling in this moment to shift the paradigm of Women in Leadership.
Soulful Sacred Sisterhood Collaborative
"Dream Big and you will be presented with the opportunity to lead the world on an incredible adventure" - Richard Branson -
Shine. Support. Structure. Success.
You are worthy of success, abundance & financial freedom.
Your soul has guided you to share your work
with the world, to be in service, sharing your wisdom, passions and gifts, you are becoming the change you wish to see in the world.
It takes courage, devotion to personal healing, and an unstoppable drive to make a difference.
The doors to the Sacred Sisterhood Collaborative for Feminine Leaders is now open. Experience an intensive 9 month powerful, collaborative with your peers. Step with confidence into Leadership, combining Strategic Business Planning, Holistic Healing Practices and the principles of Divine Feminine Leadership, to launch your work into the world. Intensive begins September 2019 - and completes April 2020.
Additional retreat experience in summer of 2020 to celebrate stepping over this threshold into Leadership in sisterhood. Co lead the retreat, and experience spaciousness to dream storm & co create what is possible from a place of fully empowered leadership.
Click here to apply, space is limited for an intimate experience and this will sell out.
Secure your spot and pay in full by June 30th and you will receive the gift of a customized Reiki Distance Healing Session to support your healing & stepping fully into leadership.
I already see you in your fullest potential! And am so excited to grow together.
Women who complete the Intensive will be eligible to Co-Lead a Retreat Experience designed to showcase your unique work and step fully into Leadership. Complete an Embodied Leadership Ritual to light your Leadership torch, celebrate and integrate your experience & journey deeply. The experience will be captured by Dani McDonald (Founder of Soulography & Real Beauty Uncovered) and will include 25 personalized Branding Photos to promote your uplevelled offerings.
The most important relationship you will ever have...
is the one you have with yourself.
Click Here to connect.
Who is your leadership tribe? Who are your guides? (or are you still struggling alone?)
What are you doing with your time on earth? (is procrastination & indecision slowing you down?)
How do you define success FOR YOURSELF? (it could be $$ or clients, or a feeling, an impact, a lifestyle)
What is the impact your making on the planet? to the next generation? (what will you be remembered for doing?)
What is the WHY behind your work? (I really want to know how your heart answers this)
If your asking yourself these questions, welcome Kindred Spirit!!! I am literally so excited to co create this with the magical, powerful, and devoted women that are called to this maiden journey into collective leadership. You found me in purpose, and if your still reading, know that I honor your courage, brilliance, devotion, and am inspired by your desire to initiate and pioneer these ideals together. I am opening my arms, heart and the doors to a larger sisterhood that will hold you in your highest vision, and in your moments of fear, doubt, and resistance. My greatest teacher on this Feminine Leadership Journey has been Jeannine Yoder, Mentor Masterclass founder, and Captivating Feminine Leadership Mastermind genius. The work that I do is in support of her devotion to our collective mission, to heal intergenerational patterns, and create lives of full expression, deep purpose, and raise women into leadership. Her tribe is deep and wide, full of brilliance, by joining my tribe, know your also joining the larger tribe that she fearlessly and with deep love leads into this wild and fertile future. I lit my torch from her light as she guided me, and now I offer to light yours, so you too can pass it on.
This is where transformation happens and collective leadership begins.
In the quiet stillness of your heart, are you in?
Let's do this brave heart, claim your seat.
Your body and spirit will not lead you astray. If you have read this far, your body and intuition are sending you crystal clear messages to tune in, slow down, and listen. Do you long for sacred sisterhood? For business besties who are If you gain nothing else from our paths crossing, my heart felt desire is that you begin to honor these internal messages and lead with courage, and fierce devotion where your heart is asking you to go.
Leadership is about practicing strong self love, listening to the wisdom of your heart, & tuning into your intuition and body, and making powerful, bold, decisive, intentional and inspired choices about the future.
I did not learn in business school that investing in myself and my happiness would be the key to success.
But it turns out it is.
And it is never, ever a decision you regret. Ever. Period.
You and your work are worth everything. For you, for your kids, for your families, for the world. We are being called upon and guided together to rise and raise the vibration for womanhood.
Listen to YOUR heart. Dream Big. Take Action. Invest in your self, your work and in your happiness. You are worth it.
And it is the best investment you will ever make. I promise.
I am so passionate about lighting the path forward for women on similar journey's. The light workers, practitioners, healers, coaches and creative entrepreneurs wanting to make a difference. This is my life's work and believe it is my souls purpose. Every obstacle on my path, and there have been many, have led me to you. I don't believe it is a coincidence ;-) I am a survivor, a fierce love warrior, a savvy business coach, and healing arts practitioner, and and I am 100 percent in your corner.
You can do hard and amazing things, and I believe in you. I didn't have guidance, resources, tools and support that I now know makes the road SO MUCH easier to travel. I want that for you.
I wish that for every being.
Every minute stuck in overwhelm or indecision, is another moment of your dream life lost. The world is yours to take. Leaning in and receiving support is a brave choice and a vote for your self, and your happiness. We are not victims to our circumstances always. We can't change the past, but we can damn sure change the future. No permission needed. You have power. You have choices. You have divine guidance and a brilliant, innocent heart.
Taking 100% responsibility for your actions and investing in yourself you CAN and WILL change the direction of your life. You provide the will, and I provide tools, guidance & support on your journey forward. Coaching with me you will be encouraged, celebrated, guided and provided with knowledge, practical tools, and accountability that work for women just like you & me.
I have seen it time and again.
You are worth it.
Sound like a good fit? Schedule a 30 minute call for me to get to know how I can best support you, explain how I work with women 1:1, in my group program, or in community. We will explore how you want to feel, what you want to achieve, and what is holding you back. This is YOUR moment to claim your future.
When you're ready, Schedule a call with me here.
What are you doing with your time on earth? (is procrastination & indecision slowing you down?)
How do you define success FOR YOURSELF? (it could be $$ or clients, or a feeling, an impact, a lifestyle)
What is the impact your making on the planet? to the next generation? (what will you be remembered for doing?)
What is the WHY behind your work? (I really want to know how your heart answers this)
If your asking yourself these questions, welcome Kindred Spirit!!! I am literally so excited to co create this with the magical, powerful, and devoted women that are called to this maiden journey into collective leadership. You found me in purpose, and if your still reading, know that I honor your courage, brilliance, devotion, and am inspired by your desire to initiate and pioneer these ideals together. I am opening my arms, heart and the doors to a larger sisterhood that will hold you in your highest vision, and in your moments of fear, doubt, and resistance. My greatest teacher on this Feminine Leadership Journey has been Jeannine Yoder, Mentor Masterclass founder, and Captivating Feminine Leadership Mastermind genius. The work that I do is in support of her devotion to our collective mission, to heal intergenerational patterns, and create lives of full expression, deep purpose, and raise women into leadership. Her tribe is deep and wide, full of brilliance, by joining my tribe, know your also joining the larger tribe that she fearlessly and with deep love leads into this wild and fertile future. I lit my torch from her light as she guided me, and now I offer to light yours, so you too can pass it on.
This is where transformation happens and collective leadership begins.
In the quiet stillness of your heart, are you in?
Let's do this brave heart, claim your seat.
Your body and spirit will not lead you astray. If you have read this far, your body and intuition are sending you crystal clear messages to tune in, slow down, and listen. Do you long for sacred sisterhood? For business besties who are If you gain nothing else from our paths crossing, my heart felt desire is that you begin to honor these internal messages and lead with courage, and fierce devotion where your heart is asking you to go.
Leadership is about practicing strong self love, listening to the wisdom of your heart, & tuning into your intuition and body, and making powerful, bold, decisive, intentional and inspired choices about the future.
I did not learn in business school that investing in myself and my happiness would be the key to success.
But it turns out it is.
And it is never, ever a decision you regret. Ever. Period.
You and your work are worth everything. For you, for your kids, for your families, for the world. We are being called upon and guided together to rise and raise the vibration for womanhood.
Listen to YOUR heart. Dream Big. Take Action. Invest in your self, your work and in your happiness. You are worth it.
And it is the best investment you will ever make. I promise.
I am so passionate about lighting the path forward for women on similar journey's. The light workers, practitioners, healers, coaches and creative entrepreneurs wanting to make a difference. This is my life's work and believe it is my souls purpose. Every obstacle on my path, and there have been many, have led me to you. I don't believe it is a coincidence ;-) I am a survivor, a fierce love warrior, a savvy business coach, and healing arts practitioner, and and I am 100 percent in your corner.
You can do hard and amazing things, and I believe in you. I didn't have guidance, resources, tools and support that I now know makes the road SO MUCH easier to travel. I want that for you.
I wish that for every being.
Every minute stuck in overwhelm or indecision, is another moment of your dream life lost. The world is yours to take. Leaning in and receiving support is a brave choice and a vote for your self, and your happiness. We are not victims to our circumstances always. We can't change the past, but we can damn sure change the future. No permission needed. You have power. You have choices. You have divine guidance and a brilliant, innocent heart.
Taking 100% responsibility for your actions and investing in yourself you CAN and WILL change the direction of your life. You provide the will, and I provide tools, guidance & support on your journey forward. Coaching with me you will be encouraged, celebrated, guided and provided with knowledge, practical tools, and accountability that work for women just like you & me.
I have seen it time and again.
You are worth it.
Sound like a good fit? Schedule a 30 minute call for me to get to know how I can best support you, explain how I work with women 1:1, in my group program, or in community. We will explore how you want to feel, what you want to achieve, and what is holding you back. This is YOUR moment to claim your future.
When you're ready, Schedule a call with me here.